
Nigerian Police Force Condemns Skit Maker’s Disrespectful Portrayal of Officers

“The law prohibits an individual from rubbishing the police institution” Police threatens to sanction Cute Abiola over recent skits
Nigerian Police Force Condemns Skit Makers Disrespectful Portrayal of Officers

The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) has expressed its displeasure over digital content that criticizes its integrity and has warned content creators to stop creating such content. The NPF is planning to take disciplinary action against popular skit maker, Abdulgafar Abiola, for two of his recent videos that portray police officers in a negative light. The videos show police officers requesting bribes from motorists and misusing their power. The NPF considers these videos a deliberate act against the police force and will investigate and possibly prosecute Abiola. The NPF emphasizes the importance of upholding the integrity of the police uniform and encourages responsible freedom of expression.

The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) is expressing its disapproval of digital content that undermines its integrity and urging content creators to refrain from creating such content.

The Police stated their intention to take disciplinary action against a popular Nigerian skit maker, Abdulgafar Abiola, also known as Cute Abiola.

The Police announced that they will investigate and potentially prosecute the skit maker for two of his recent skits, which the police consider to be a deliberate act against the Nigerian Police Force.

In the skits, Cute Abiola portrays a police officer accepting bribes from motorists on the highway.

In one of the videos, the actor playing the role of a police officer asks a motorist for his identification, and the motorist complies. The police officer then asks the motorist for a bribe, which the motorist gives. However, when the police officer realizes that the money came from a red cloth in a local calabash, he tries to return it, but the motorist threatens him with harm if he refuses the money.

In the second video, the same actor portraying a police officer stops a motorist whom he suspects to be a fraudster and demands money from him to buy fuel for their patrol car. The police officer becomes agitated when the motorist claims to have no money and immediately asks to see his documents.

Both videos have caught the attention of the Police force, who have threatened to take disciplinary action against Cute Abiola. The Police also reminded the public that they had previously warned skit makers and filmmakers not to disrespect the police uniform or its accessories.

In a statement on their official Twitter account, the NPF stated:

“While Nigerians have the right to enjoy their fundamental human rights, the law prohibits individuals from tarnishing the image of the police institution or violating its uniform regulations.

We strongly condemn the disrespectful and derogatory portrayal of the police uniform by comedian Abdulgafar Abiola, also known as ‘Cute Abiola,’ in his recent skits posted on July 20th and 24th, 2023. These skits are in direct violation of Section 251 of the Criminal Code and Section 133 of the Penal Code Law. Such acts are not only offensive, but they also undermine the integrity and dignity of the men and women who wear the uniform in service to the nation.

Abdulgafar Abiola will be investigated and potentially prosecuted for his deliberate actions, as the NPF had previously warned skit makers and filmmakers not to disrespect the uniform or its accessories. The Force is committed to upholding the sanctity of the uniform and will pursue legal action to ensure accountability for anyone who brings disrepute to the uniform or the institution it represents. We call on members of the public, including media personalities, to exercise their freedom of expression responsibly and avoid actions that could erode public trust in our esteemed law enforcement institutions.”


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